Thursday 29 August 2013

Never e-NUFF

I got onto Nuffnang!! 
hehe feeling like a little kid rediscovering long lost treasures and secrets or something LOL 

nuffnang story

Why now?

I have written that I am a procrastinator and is it no secret that I am also very late in terms of what's the latest craze etc etc (Why else would I just start writing blogs now huh?) so although I have heard of Nuffnang and have known of its existence and what it is for, I never really got on board ...until.... nao (now)!

Reason being, as I noticed from the moment I started writing this blog, unless I manually go google and search up "how to do xxxx" or "blogs about xxxxx" I honestly have NO IDEA where to begin on looking for blogs to read or which blogs are recommended etc I am used to the old Myspace where people can search a key word and random gazillion myspace pages just pop up and you can randomly waste your time looking through each interesting page (yes that is how I used to waste my time lol I was 14 back then don't judge me!) Blogging however is different. 

Unless there is a search function of which I am entirely oblivious to because my eyes and brain are not functioning properly I just simply cannot see where I can search for other peoples blogs easier (without having to follow them or copy paste their url to stalk them) therefore although my blogs have been having views (-dances- yay, though I bet like 50% of the 800 or so views are my own LOL) I have felt rather lonely in a sense in blogging.
That feeling of knowing people read and may know you a bit through your blogs but you have no contact with them and have no way of knowing these people, its like social isolation in a busy crowd, whereby our screams of attention are drowned in the sounds of others (wew I so deep *-*).

I honestly hate that feeling and being the lazy person I am, I really wanted to find something which would help me connect with other bloggers, which Nuffnang claims it can do!

Why Nuffnang?

I've always seen Nuffnang as just an advertising company, -money song pops into my head-"its all about the money money money, we dont need your $ $ $" (haha sorry!) and never knew until I just signed up that it can do more than that! Not only do they provide monetary incentives for placing adds, they also try to connect bloggers through real life (like actual physical events) aka Cacao-green event (Melbourne event to testing out food from the newly opened Cacao Green store)!

Really wanna go and try it out just for the food -drools- but its on a Sunday and since I don't drive, public transporting will be a bish =/ but yummylicious food....ermahgerd da dilemma  >.<

So anyway's, after a mere 10 mins or so, I got signed up to Nuffnang and had pasted the code for their ads. Honestly 10mins is really fast compare to any other online sign up where it's like: 

"fill this, do that, do this more, repeat more steps, confuse you, repeat more steps, sign here and there and everywhere"

Nuffnang is much more user friendly so steps are simple, quick and concise! (it is pure bliss for someone like me who cant be bothered reading too much and reading big words) added they even show you step by step with PICTURES (well screen shots to be accurate) of where and how to paste your nuffy codes! 

So you wouldn't need to google like a mad man on "HOW TO PASTE NUFFNANG CODE ON BLOG" and then get other peoples blog posts which shows you BUT their info is outdated so you spent like an eternity trying to understand where something is when its not even there anymore lol (yep I did that, went through about 3 blogs before WikiHow helped me out, then I hit next on Nuffnang signup part and all the steps were there..... Just gave myself the awkward silence and continued on )

And now it is 1 am and I shall be retreating back to my cave of dreams lol

Side note, My bf of 2 years and 8 months had a surprise for me a few days back to celebrate me getting a new job after 5 years at the time he didn't utter a word of what it may be, only that it was a surprise (I tried hard at guessing but this time, he really did manage to out do himself hehe)

He told me not to blog about it, but I cant help it .-. it is one of those once in a life time things and I have to and WILL commemorate it in a blog post! 

here are just some preview photos (maybe you guys can try and guess what I got):

Not wanting to be out done by my bf and since he wouldn't tell me what it was, I wanted to surprise him also, best way is to show it through my make up! haha

My makeup for the day, obviously covered up here but it is a bit, different.

Preparation for my surprise for my bf lol 
Notice how big one eye looks with lashes compared to the other? And I don't even wear contact lenses :D make up magic hehe
Because I live to make funny faces.

As always, take care and until next time (entry!),

xoxo M3

Tuesday 27 August 2013

Maybelline Super stay 24 Lipstick

Best. Thing. EVER.

I absolutely love it and currently imho (in my honest opinion) it probably is one of the best lip color available!
As my last entry stated, I purchased it through the Priceline 50% off Maybelline product sale and because Ive recently noticed how nice red lips are and the whole red color collection, I decided it was time I went to get my own.

Desire + sale= shopping spree

I ended up purchasing the Maybelline Super stay 24 lip color in 'Keep Up the Flame' 025 which has a nice strong red bright vibrant red, prefect for Asian skin tones as it has a semi nice pink under tone which off sets the pink tones in our skin, so it ends up making our skin look less yellow in a way.

On the day of DIY photoshoot, no fliter used just natural lighting

Lip color looks darker in darker lighting and brighter in natural lighting, best of both worlds.

This photo had filter, taken from Wonder Cam iphone App which lightens the photos to make it more softer

Color aside, what I absolutely adore about this product is, when it states 24 hour color, it really means 24 hour long wear!

Photo shown on previous blog, taken on the day of purchase.

When I got home after work. 4 hours later and after 2 attempts with soap to wash it off.
See where the other lip colors faded into a mere tint of color, super stay 24 is still going strong

The color I tried on my hands were from testers and although it was smart to test the colors out, I never knew how hard it'll be to get the color off! LOL

I ended up with 2 days of color stain on my hand. Now obviously though the skin on your lips is different to our hands in which since the lip stick is made for lips, the color wont stain your lips and it can be easily removed by make up remover or if you rub it really hard, like really really hard. So don't fret and think "OMG this color is like a tattoo" which it isn't.

I loved this so much that I went to purchased another one few days later, same price from Priceline also but in different color.

As the red is really eye catching, it isnt something I can wear on a day to day basis. It is more like reserved for special going out occasions and definitely inappropriate for the work place (cries)

Neverending Pearl!

Apart of their "nude" color collection

See the difference?

As my photos can suggest, the red one is really really red LOL But the pink is honestly just right! And best yet it even blends into my original lip color so its like a nice gloss shine over my always dried lips.

Did I mention these babies have their own lip conditioning balm? One side (colored part) is the lip color, the white side is where the balm is hidden and omg its so nice and moisturisingly good! I normally dont care much about lip color but I can honestly say these babies are making me obsessed! 

Neverending Pearl

My normal dry lips on a Melbourne's winters day

With 2 thin coats of the lip color neverending pearl

Obscenely close up of my lower face .-.

Notice how after applying the lip balm on top of the lip stick, see how white the balm still is? When they said 24 hour stay, they really mean it'll stay on YOUR lips which is why I love using it! No more staining your drinking cups or your bfs faces when you kiss them haha

Although I did find the RED one to fade alot faster than the nude colors but none the less as shown above it still is properly the best lippy I found at a good price. RRP is around $21 AUSD.
After neverending pearl! My lips look soo much more healthier

Sometimes when we find something worth while, we just gotta tell people about it, and this lippy I just had to share! Hope someone can find it useful haha

Take care and until next time,

xoxo M3

Saturday 24 August 2013

Maybelline 50% Sale! Ends 26/08/2013

Thats right, as the title suggests 50% Maybelline products!

I know I am probably a tad late since it is ending August 26th 2013, aka tomorrow Aussie time lol sorry
been meaning to post about it since first day but so busy and lazy D:

Now Ive never really been one to use one type of makeup brand and stick with it because they are always changing, new products new formulas etc etc added I am a "value for money" type of girl so even though expensive brands or just expensive cosmetics may have a good name, unless there is something added to tempt me I probably wont just splurge a ton on make up lol

This time, Priceline Pharmacy did just that in providing a HUGE 50% off all Maybelline cosmetics (WhatIsMaybelline?)! Yes, ALL. 

Foundations, mascara, liner, powder you name it, they got it all on sale!

I am not entirely sure about their shipping costs online or if they even do international orders, but for Aussie readers you can go online to order at MaybellineProductsPriceline if not order just see what they have before you quickly pop in and buy them in a store near you!

I am a huge sucker for bargains so I really had to hold it in and not just buy everything on sight haha one thing I was really looking for was a nice red lip color! 

When I first began wearing makeup the one thing I never wore was actual red lipstick, as to me it looked too try hard mature lol (who can blame a 14 year old for thinking that though back then?) and that imagine stuck with me for the longest time, until recently I notice how nice red is, how simple yet striking it is when worn correctly! So I had to go round and test the lip colors.

Since Maybelline is on sale I went to check theirs first!

Ello enormous hand of mine.  Left two row are Maybelline super 24 hour  lip color. The two row on the right are Rimmel apocalips lip color

As you can see from the photo above, Rimmel and some other brand I forgot, although when the color was applied looked absolutely amazing and lush, it didn't last. For someone like me who only apply make up ONCE during the day and never touch up, I needed something that would last me longer than the 5 mins I put it on. Especially if you imagine working 8 hours straight and having spotty fading lip color! In retail its a BIG no no as we wont look presentable enough.

The colors I liked from Maybelline super 24 was the top two on the left, I was really tempted to get the pinker version as it is my color but I was like no, I need real red, so I chose the red one haha

Taken after I had purchased it, at work lol

Have to warn you people though, when the lip stick tells you to apply a thin layer and wait 2mins before applying its top coat, please do not pucker your lips together as you would with normal lip stick!! It will not smudge the color but imagine wet nail polish, and you rub two nails together, it creates chucks of sticky color residue and that isnt a good look haha

Was first time trying it so I ended up having weird color lips for the entirety of my work shift .--. (Since then I have learnt from my mistake and now I apply the color, like a pro.)

Actual Priceline Haul: Maybelline + Dove products

From top left: Dove fresh touch face wash $6.99/ Dove daily lotion $12.49/ Dove Foam makeup remover $10.49/ Maybelline Babylips $1.97 x2/ Super stay 24 $10.97/ Maybelline Mastershape brow pencil $5.75. Not in photo is the Maybelline blue nail polish $2.97

I purchased the Dove products because they had buy 2 get one free!! Which is awesome since Dove is such a lovely brand, really good for the skin as it always leaves it soft and healthy! Same goes with their hair products! But I didn't get hair products so I wont talk too much about them lol

Total Damage to my wallet??

Total price of my haul came down to only $46.61! But I paid $42.68 because I am a priceline member and with membership every purchase you make you get points, once you accumulate enough you get discounts! haha Supposedly for the one points period I spent like $130 so I got $4 discount voucher or something which makes it a bit more worth while to purchase from priceline compared to other places just because of it. Added all your points accumulate so even if in one spending period your points don't add enough to get discounts, they will roll it over to next spending period!! 

Sapphire Siren nail color, purchased cos its different to what I have already! Only $2.97 why not?!

Really wanted to try it on the day so I popped it over my fading color haha hence the weird shapes, oh and I do bad nail polish work~

BABY LIPS! This one actually applies on clear, but turns into a hot pink color due to the heat of your lips! Its amazing stuff!

Again terribly sorry for posting this soo late, I hope some people are still able to buy the products at the 50% discount, if not still go check out your nearest priceline they may have other amazing offers available!

Last photo to finish off the entry, this was taken when I had my DIY photoshoot. Done it to put my last years ball dress to use and to showcase the red lip color I really adore now!

Times when the duck face are acceptable!

Later I will put an entry on the lip color just to show case it further, it really is 24 hour lasting and I can show proof haha

Take care and until next time,

xoxo M3 

Wednesday 21 August 2013

Continuation of the blonde Adventures!

As I wrote previously I had bleached my hair and then redid it and thirdly did some DYI ombre highlights which was mentioned in my GrapeFruitEntry all of which were done by using
The large tub of hi-lift bleach powder and the medium sized developer really lasts for awhile. My hair is medium borderline long and I still have half a tub left of the bleach.

Reasons why I absolutely love DIY, is the fact you have control over what you want. Fair enough hairdressers are amazing and they can do great work, but sometimes having that control is just fun! However I will stress and cant stress enough to always take care of your hair and to always ALWAYS follow the instructions given on the packaging! It is there for a reason, we don't want our hair to fall off or get so burnt its dead so please take care. And after you bleach always do treatments on your hair also to maintain its shine and health :3 

I wont drag on about the process etc etc I will just summarize how I did about my hair and its outcomes

Photo taken before Ombre ends added, as you can see even after 2 bleach attempts there is still patchy dark brown to black parts near where my eyes are on each end lol

just another vanity shot and look look straight Korean brows! haha this was before I bleached my brows. did it because I realised how the darkness of my browns is super contrasting to my hair and looks odd. o.o

Ombre attempt

Because bleach reacts to the heat and causes its own heat, I thought of wrapping the bleached ends with glad wrap to allow the heat to stay in the one area, therefore working faster on the hair ;3

because I are vain.

here is the direct after shot of my hair, no makeup #nofilter lolol

Just a side note, when you dye/bleach your hair, when your hair is wet the color will look darker than it really is, so do not stress too much if you wanted light but it looks brown-ish. Just make sure you dry your hair and when its completely dry you can see the actual color result. I was disappointed at first with my bleach because after the shower all I saw was dark brown and I really wanted something different! But turns out its darker because of the water/wetness of my hair lol once it dried, it was nice. ~(=^‥^)/

Vanity shot! its so nice and strawberry blonde hehe as you can see the parts where I bleached longer for the ombre look is more yellow based now compared to the normal bleached parts which are still orangey yellow

Blonde Dye

So here is the culprit will turned my nice Asian blonde to a horrible yellow Asian blonde

Brought semi permanent color because I wanted to have pink hair o.o haha thought it was cute so I just bought it for just incase

clockwise from the top left.

As you can see from the photo above, the Nordic dye did even out my hair color a bit as it began from a patchy some part light some part ugleh, so I guess I am thankful for that. NordicBlonde Review thats the link for the Nordic Blonde ultimate lightener L1++ by Schwarzkopf which is essentially similar to the one I used, except mines a newer model and is suppose to be a cooler metallic blonde. If you read the reviews it is rather 50/50 some say it is brilliant, some absolutely hated it, I am somewhere in between, just meh. 

Fair enough it evened out my hair color, but the yellow blonde dye is too strong and rather than just have a cool metallic blonde, it went really yellow (show in the middle photo) worst was it lightened the top but still left the middle and bottom half of my hair dark-ish .--. 

Made me felt like such a try-hard Asian with fail blonde LOL I am sure some would love that color, but it just didnt work for me and it made my skin tone really washed out and dull, compared to the older orangey blonde which complimented my skin color well.

I can go and complain all I want, but in the end we get what we are given, and I will flaunt what I got 
Top left shows what I mean by some parts were STILL dark .-. even after full coverage dye/lightening

Flaunt that hair

At work where the lights are a normal color, not orange like at home lol

I feel so....young....

Sides, I make a pretty cool blonde panda

I am a panda, hear my roar....

Just a short and quick summary of my temp hair dye.

Well as I wrote before I had a job interview and it was my first ever interview. As my hair was the Asian blonde, I felt as though for an actual and properly job interview, the color may be considered a tad too extreme and well out there lol not professional enough. Best thing about having blonde hair (or as close as possible) especially bleached one is due to the fact you can dye it in ANY other color and the color will show nicely through!

I chose a more subtle nicer natural hazelnut brown for mine

When you get dye on your forehead it will stain if you don't get it off, I recommend using any makeup removing wipes you have, it works wonders and you can prevent ugly skin staining from the dye.

Cleaned my forehead to expose a shiny dance floor .-. never noticed how BIG my forehead was lol

SO HAPPY with result!

I absolutely loved the end result, as even my mother noticed how nice and natural the hair color was and how even the color is! Having spent a month with patchy hair, this meant alot to me haha and best yet rather than having a brown color, I ended up with a nice ash blonde. Ash blonde is essentially darker blonde with hints of brown and its the exact result I got! Best is if I ever get tired of being darker again, I can always just wash it off as it is the 8 wash semi perma dye!

Here's two cam-whoar photos to finish this entry off

Taken at work I love my hair .-.

Really love my hair 

Hope you guys enjoyed reading this! Sorry for all the selfies haha

One down 8 more entries to go D: 

Take care and until next time!

xoxo M3

Miscellaneous days

Oh ma gerd.

So much has happened since my last entry, I swear I am contemplating about using the iphone app for blogger so I can actually make this blog up to date with life haha things happen so fast and I honestly never had the time to sit back and writing it all up!

Here are the list of stuff which happened in the past few days, so I know what I will be writing about and the basis of my entry ( feels like I am about to write a draft for an essay LOL)

1. I dyed my hair! ( 2 bleach sessions, one actual dye using the Nordic blonde highlighter, and temporary hazelnut color dye)

2. 50% off maybelline products from Priceline (a cosmetic pharmacy in Australia PricelineWebsite)

3. Falling in love with Maybelline 24 hour stay lip colors! (BEST. THING. EVER)

4. Eating so much take out its making us (the bf and I) broke.

5. CALORIE COUNTING (I has found da holy grail of weight loss and weight watching AND the reason to why, I am, so unhealthy .-. )

6. Did a DYI photoshoot session for dresses which are such a big statement, I can only wear once and let it rot in my closet .-. Least I found a use for them in photoshoots! LOL

7. THE job interview! Various steps I took and how I think I went

8. Reasons why I love my cat, adorable photos coming up!

9. Foodporn

Honestly, writing this up is kinda making me nervous and it is rather daunting to think I will need to write so much up. And because I am such a planning freak, I thought of detailed ways to write each one up, especially the hair dye where I have a ton of photos to crop and edit .-. but I am SO lazy lol

One step at a time I guess.

Guess since I do have plans for writing out each one, I will put them into separate entries so I don't bombard ONE entry with everything lolol

Here's a photo of me and my bf during the day of the interview.

Its the first time I wore a shirt, and omg I felt so Mature~

Blurry Iphone inner camera pics are awesome!

Take care and until next time!

xoxo M3

Friday 16 August 2013

MicroBlog2 16/8/2013

Jobs Jobs Jobs!

I have been working in the same retail place for around and maybe a little over 5 years now, which is quite a long time especially since I was 16 when I first started there. Any young impressionable teen would easily have moved from one job to another seeking higher pay etc etc but for me I am someone who is very very VERY happy and content with familiar things, like a familiar place to work at day in day out haha maybe I am just afraid of change, who knows!

Although I am content with the familiar, seeing how so many friends of mine moving from work to work and getting way more pay than I was at a similar field have prompted me to search for jobs a few times. Perhaps it is the places that I do search at and hand my resumes in, I never honestly had any luck. Which obviously is a real set back and makes me hesitant to keep trying.
It is not the rejection that makes me less confident but the fact most of the jobs I applied at never take the time to tell me I wasn't chosen. It was always the no contact no nothing type of rejection. Its hard because I do want to know why I wasn't chosen and only after knowing can I actually understand and move on or do better next time.

In the 5 years of employment I probably searched for work twice lol but each time would involve like around 15 different stores so I do search quite a bit and apply. I am a procrastinator but when I set my mind to do something I will do it 150% haha rather extremes of two ends :3

Coming to a time in my life where I know I must be searching for stable jobs or at least go out of my current field its becoming more and more daunting, so earlier this year I tried again and this time with a super open mind. (Putting my availability as 24/7, which is basically true since I can adjust my roster time in the current work and uni times are super flexible) 

Few months have passed since I applied for a few jobs in my local area and today something utterly unexpected happened.


A place which I almost forgot I had applied to, texted me today asking if I was still interested in a position available. As I was actually heading to work and had my phone in one hand, I immediately saw and responded (gotta be fast and prompt with these things, felt like it was once in a life time LOL)
They immediately replied and asked for my current availability and once the phone call ended, I have an appointment on Tuesday afternoon next week!

Honestly the whole experience felt so surreal and the person who spoke with me, I felt like I've known them forever! Just the fact we spoke so casually and everything was so comfortable is like wow I can't honestly explain it haha (always imagined getting THE phone call would be like we gotta act all professional and be super duper professional)

The place which called me, I won't name just YET, but it is a firm which I can actually have a career in and I can move up if opportunity is given. At a time where places like the big banks need to downsize their work force it is scary and we gotta search for places which are not only stable but can provide a good income, we need to be super careful and secure our spots before it is too late. I mean who knows, maybe one day I can be manager and then own one of their branches lololol big CEO dream ahahah

Todays gonna be a good good day~ I hope things will work out well, I am not religious but I am praying haha

To all the people out there who may not be as a big procrastinator as I, keep trying, keep applying! Because we can all learn and even if we aren't skilled for the work now, no one can prevent us from learning how to do the work and then be skilled at it.

When I first began working in the retail store I am in now, I could not do public speaking, the thought of talking in front of my peers would make me cry, literally. It was so scary and I was super shy. I don't know how or why but I just knew I wanted a future for myself, therefore during work experiences I applied for my current one and got it. Then through hard work and showing what I am capable of, the employer chose to employ me :3

5 years later, I am a confident little Asian girl who can strike up conversations with anyone, any age. any gender anything! haha I am by far social, I live under a rock but through my work it has opened me up to my daily dose of interactions.

Life is weird, it has plans for all of us but it is up to US to take the opportunities and just go for it. Never give up on anything because if its worth it, it is worth fighting for.

Take care and until next time,


Ps, no photos this time, wrote this up at work LOL 

Thursday 15 August 2013

Grapefruit Juice.

Why so fruity?!

Ehh well yeh lol nvm, I tried to be punny but mind went blink...


So continuing with my last episode of epic fire hydrant style spewing, I had to do some research to see what actually caused my um...err... epic episode of bus spew chucking. 

At first I was completing believing the culprit was the canned soup I had and was about to go on a rant about incorrect use by date label packagings and what nots, trust me supermarkets these days are really good at keeping overdue stuff and still selling as though they are completely edible, like this one time few years back, prior to my work shift I  had to dash to by my favourite sports drink -coughcough- and only after I took a few sips and realise the taste was different, did I actually notice the BIG ASS BLOB OF BROWN FLOATY THING in it. ヽ(#`Д´)ノ  
My frickn sports drink was flavoured water so to have that disgustang (disgusting) blob of gunk means its waaaaaaaaaaay overdue and probably severely infected by some bacteria stuff .---. If I die later on thanks to some bacterial infection/disease I KNOW WHAT/WHO TO BLAME!!


Turns out this time the culprit was the freshly squeezed home grown, Grapefruit! (not due to out of date canned stuff)

Grapefruit itself is very acidic which for people with sensitive stomachs is not a good mix, added when I had my grapefruit juice, I didn't even thought of watering it down, so I gulped the super highly concentrated juice down ㅇㅅㅇ  GrapefruitWiki  GrapefruityGoodness

Check out its tempting delicious flesh
Why must you look so delicious but cause so much pain D:<

Not to mention (which my friend DID mention to me after, therefore I had to do some researching) juices and milk don't mix. Although I didn't drink milk, the soup I had which was creamy pumpkin which contained some cream in it which is closely related to milk therefore the mild reaction which should have occurred escalated into something far worst.

Although I had found some links which directly points grapefruit juice and milk, they have now been mysteriously replaced with "grapefruit juice do not mix with medications" (if anyones interested, you may read it here --> GrapeFruitxMedication )

So thanks to the wondrous yummy mix, I had a full on 10min of feeling extremely ill, to dizziness to epic spewing. By no means, am I saying you can't have juice and milk, but make sure to have them at separate intervals with a resting time of around 30 minutes to allow your body to take in the juice or milk first then drinking the other.

Please do not go through what I went through, I was horrible and although I didn't die from it, I died big time, of embarrassment, not to mention the guilt I had after knowing that bus was probably decommissioned that day thanks to my .... errr little present. I berry berry sowwie. (✖╭╮✖)

I would post photos I took of my incident but just having to write it up and knowing people might read this during their meal times is bad enough haha so I won't be so mean and dump any more disgustang things in here.


To finish this entry off, from one bad end, to the good one, heres some photos of my hair (3rd round of bleaching~ I ADDED OMBRE STYLE ENDS)

Photobombed by my shower, ignore that. LOOK LIGHTER ENDS.

Blurry Iphone inner camera selfie~ Hair color in 'real' light

Straight hair on the day of my bf's graduation. Natural lighting makes it look strawberry blonde. Miss it so much 。・゚゚・(>д<)・゚゚・。

Berry hairy update: My hair has gone through its first dye process, after 3 bleach attempts. 1st and 2nd has been posted up which can be found on M3AsianBlonde, it is now a not so nice yellow blonde colour which I hope it would fade back to my bleach colour.

IKR I am such a weirdo .---. probably like the only Asian around who prefers bleached orange blonde, than actual blonde. Plz gimme back my orange bleach colour T-T

Going to post about my hairy process soon!

Take care and until next time

xoxo M3

Saturday 10 August 2013



Essentially a normal blog but with LESS work. Lol perfect for a procrastinator like me.

Honestly, a normal blog entry takes FOREVERRRRRAGH to write up, edit and then publish. For me its not the topic I have issues with but rather what it entails, and for someone who rants on and on a lot, I need to re-edit my entry a few times in order to have it flowing.... or at least  to some extent lol

I was suppose to write this up a few days ago, but procrastination got the best of me and well yeh BETTER LATE THAN NEVER, right?

So the most embarrassing thing I could do, I done on Friday 9/8/2013, was utterly out of my control and shamefully I bolted away before anyone could put the responsibilities on me.

I threw up on the bus ride to work. -cringe-

No, I was NOT drunk. I don't even drink much, hate the smell, the taste and its effects.

Essentially my day began rather normally, I was just minding my own business and hopped on my normal bus for the normal routine to work. I don't drive (because I am way to lazy to get lessons and spend time driving AND the fact I'm scared of driving lol) so its always bus ride then train to my work place.

Everything was OK, until I got on the bus and started to feel a tad dizzy, but I do get motion sickness ever since I was little so I just thought it'd be that. Boy, was I wrong. A little more than 10mins into the ride, I was battling with my stomach to hold whatever it had, in, long enough to reach the train station so I could bolt to the toilets. During this time, I was constantly trying to burp slowly as the build up of gas kept making me want to throw up (-__-") 

On the last 5mins of the trip, there was this tiny tiny little burp I needed to do, so I did, hands over my mouth for the just-in-case moment and what happened in the next 2 secs felt like an out of body experience...

I was like an unstoppable fire hydrant putting out some invisible fire with my....well yeh .... vomit.

So disgusting! Blergh!!

I screamed out "sorry" but I guess the driver wasn't paying attention cos he react to it, so at my final stop I literally bolted out of the bus. I did say thank you, guess its some consolation.

I didn't take any photos and the ones I did take of my dirty clothes, well lets just say I'd rather not remind myself of how disgusting it was. 

Anyway's just wanted to blog about that LOL man that day was so eventful.

One thing is for sure, since I still remember what I ate in the mornings I will try and find out just WHAT went wrong and how the heck a normal person suddenly turn into a spewing fire hydrant in less than 10 minutes, from fine and loving life, to ermahgerd puke...

Here's just a photo of me to finish off this micro-blog. Second round dye where my hair is orangey/brown/strawberry blonde.

Until next time, take care!

xoxo M3