Huehuehue yes this post will have something to do with the internationally worldy extremely famous violinist/composer :D
Andre in all his glory~ |
Long story short, this year I've had a few encounters with celebs and half the time its thanks to working in a shopping centre that loves to bring in musicians to perform and luckily its always on the days I work LOL
Prior to the store relocating right next to the stage, I always finish my shift and manage to catch a glimsp at all the ending performances by the musicians, such as Cody Simpson, Little Mix and many more I manage to miss out performances of lol
Regardless though, this year its been a good year with me witnessing live musician performances! Aside from just being in the side lines and watching a performance, I managed to get up, close and personal (as personal as one can get with taking a photo) with....wait for it....
YIRUMA~ :D but I'll post about that later when I can find my photos lol (tried to be organised by putting the photos onto an external hard-drive, ended up with having 5 copies of the same files, and NOT one of them had the stuff I wanted >.> genius~)
So without further ado ...
Check out that crowd! For such a small shopping centre, it surprised me how many people could fit just to see Andre |
He held up his violin for a split second and I took the shot :D I mean it is symbolic in a sense too
~I did make a recording of him performing Abba's Thank You however I am a bit busy and would like to edit it prior to uploading, so I'll pop it here when I can~
On a last note, after not working at the old shop for 2 weeks (due to other work commitments and studies time clashes) my manager michelle showed up to work with me! :D
Haven't seen her for like a month and was told she got ill which had me worrying, but even though she was ill, she still came to work with chocolates for me knowing I have a sweet tooth haha she's such a sweetheart
Thats all for today :D
Take care and until next time~
xoxo M3 (QiQi)
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