Monday, 16 September 2013


-does a celebratory dance-

although I actually hit this milestone perhaps 2 weeks ago, I never had the time to blog about it and honestly I was rather hesitant in doing so, namely because I centred this blog for myself primarily, therefore you see all the slang and what nots, but to have others read it really does bring a smile to my day.

Just to have other people's acknowledgement to know the things you are doing are heading in the right-ish track is always nice and I've yet to come across any issues so I am happy, to be able to write about my feelings and my adventures (namely all my hairy hairy adventures).

I joked to my bf that perhaps my views jumped alot in one day due to me posting about the Maybelline sale, and I wondered if people misinterpreted that as I was giving them a sale, which was not the case and I was only posting about a sale going on for Maybelline products at Priceline stores. If anyone was inconvenienced by the misjudgement of my title, Im sowwie D:

I must note though, I believe 50% of the 1k views were of my own haha but lets just keep it hush hush about it and lemme believe it is from randoms who I did not nudge them here and there to view my blog.

So many things have happened and I have so many entries to put in but due to my current busy schedule I may have to set it aside for the moment. But bear with me, my slightly delayed entries, I will have them up and posted one day at a time.

I suppose the best thing to do right now is to write up a list, so I can sort of remember what to write about lol

❤Hair cut 
❤First day at the new workplace!
❤New shoes (yes there is a story behind this lol)
❤Decisions on new lappy (might point out some pros and cons for future reference
❤7 hour cram session to hand in assignment, due in less than a days time :3
❤write up the previous entries I was suppose to do.....last month.... (─‿‿─

I am a procrastinator, that's not new news.... I really need to get a grip on being so lazy lol and stop whilst I can. 
Swear it is like an addiction, "i'll do it tomorrow" is slowly but surely becoming my motto in life which is rather depressing lol since tomorrow never comes! -insert dramatic music-

side note, I have realised that I have taken less selfies after I had re-dyed my hair to darker color and chopped off my locks. 

Feels like subconsciously I was telling myself how much I missed my Asian blonde its sad but looking back on photos less than a month ago, I was really loving my new and now its bleh call it being vain, but its amazing to see how much I changed unknowingly just because of a few things I dislike, the more I talk about it the lesser the issue is I mean its just hair, and dif color, it'll grow and I can change it back whenever so its honestly no big deal but its surprising to see how much it had affected me prior to me realising it!

With that in mind, this entry wont contain any selfies haha I guess its good I managed to put an instagram widget  at the bottom of each of my posts :3 yar I so tech savvy hahah...nah I had help from someone's blog entry xD I'll post it up I guess on another entry in case any readers want to know how to put it on theirs.

❤Blog on how to insert widgets onto blogs

Honestly blogging feels like myspace all over again with all the customising which is absolutely fun!

Writing this entry up as I just came back from a 7 hour straight essay marathon cram session is not the best of ideas as I am literally falling asleep lol urgh keyboard, WAI U SO COMFY?!

take care and until next time!

xoxo M3

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