Thursday, 1 August 2013

Gaming peeves!

Caution: Entry will contain massive ranting and vulgar language.

As much as I love gaming, there are aspects which just makes me cringe like....when its everyone's business what mains you have.

After playing a good 2 years on my priest, I  have my own right to switch to another character to play on if I choose to, and I am a dedicated person to the guild I reside in, I have never switched nor hopped onto another guild/faction based on the benefits I can receive so it is rather annoying and hilarious how some people believe they can dictate what I can and cannot do, or what I 'should' do. (`Д´*) 

In the gears which were given to me by any guild I had been in, at least I am still in that guild and doing things to benefit them rather than take the gear and leave, unlike what a ton of others have done and they still have the guts to join back and are allowed to.

I don't understand why people believe its any of their business what others do. I play multiple other mains, firstly because I get so bored with the game I am close to giving up and uninstalling. Making another toon is a way to rekindle the enjoyment I had on the game so I keep soldiering on. I hate quitting, so I need to find other ways to ensure I am still going to dedicate my time on a said game.

Every single main I played on or have chosen to play on, I have always dedicated 110% of my efforts online on it, when I played on my bard, I dumped all the money generated onto improving the toon, when there were guild events, I would always use that toon specifically to help out. When I stopped playing it and went to make my warrior, I ensured the war caught up extremely quickly (arena purples in 2 months without guilds help or 'boosting'). The dedication, time, effort and money are non-refundable, so its actually difficult and a hard life changing decision, (well in-game life at least) to make a new main, not to mention all the catching up I gotta do so I'm putting back in 220% to make it my main, where as others with one toon can AFK theirs the whole day and not miss out on much. See it aint easy to make new toons, not all fun and games!!

Just because people choose to have multiple mains, it doesn't mean the other ex-mains or retired toons do not exist. Given if asked I would gladly log on any of the other ones to help out and  I am sure, many others whom have other mains would do so also. So please stop back talking about others, unless me having multiple mains is going to cause you cancer, please don't bitch about it. If it does bring you cancer, I'm sorry but its karma.╮(╯▽╰)╭

I ask, WOULD people rather have one person who is capable of making many toon's and have them at the ready to help out or are you happy with people that have one mediocre toon which may or may not be able to help you out OR worse to have people with one toon which they join in only to get geared and leave or never show up for events again.

I have seen tons of people who either joined later but simply because they are in the groups which are bigger or have more say, they were quickly geared with 2nd tier gears. OK fair enough you got good friends, good for you, but if those people are allowed to be geared, then why is others having multiple mains not allowed to be geared? WHY SO DOUBLE STANDARD Lah~ in some extreme cases, those people get geared then mysteriously are missing in action for weeks to months later (go figure, help ass smoochers what you expect to get huh)

Side note, not one person who has made a second main or multiple mains, EVER had issues in regards to who gets priority on gearing, we simply ask if we can try for the gear, we NEVER demand to be 'handed' gears so why the f**k do others need to bitch about it huh.

Lastly, for those interested....

Here are the reasons why I stopped my other toons

Priest: Sick and tired of healing ass holes in instances whom always complain about them dying, and they blame it on lack of heals, when in reality they are so shitty geared I have no clue WHY I would even enter the instance with them. Added I have come to the realization why should I focus so much of my energy/money on a toon which ultimately is used to help others AND I still get bitched about on or have people put limitations on what I am entitled to on the toon. 

Bard: As much as I loved playing it, I do not have enough funding's to make it better than it can be currently, given I was suppose to get arena purples on this toon, but unfortunately I leveled pass the ideal level for arena level sitting so by my own efforts I cannot finish arena, therefore I stopped it.
It has become a great pvp/pve alt which I'd be happy to use, if not for the fact my current warrior toon is on the same account.


Warrior: Although in most games I play the healer(I have a personal grudge against people who actually don't heal because they don't put in the effort, therefore I was always the healer), coming to the realization how much my fundings or earnings ingame can take me with priest, I decided to make a warrior which in time, can generate back the earnings used. All about the profits, why invest when it doesn't bring anything in the future.

-end gaming rant

There are many things which people do which irritate me to no end, but I guess the worse is just the back talking and bitching. I mean why and how is someone else's life any of others business? Why can't people just talk about their own lives and their achievements rather than nitpicking on others mistakes/faults or cause issues?

If people have nothing good to say, then clearly its a sign to just not say anything okaaaay. 

This entry is not targeted at anyone in particular, however if you do feel as though its about you, then clearly you have issues and should get your head out of your ass. Jokes, but seriously if anyone is offended by this entry then maybe you should just get your noses out of my business ヘ( ̄ω ̄ヘ)

Ahhh I so mean, I know.

Regardless though, take care all until next time

xoxo M3

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