As I stated on my first entry, I will be blogging about games too, namely Massively Multiplayer Online Role-playing Game (aka mmorpg). I have always been obsessed with gaming regardless of platform, however I am not one of those conventional gamers who always get the latest releases from the newest platforms and joins forums on detailing how great the game is, no. To be honest I am far more addicted to the game itself rather than to express about its game play, its pros or flaws.
A little summary on gaming for myself, I began playing yugioh cards (back when yugioh was all in the rage, in Grade 4-5 lol)
My 'real' yugioh collection, I have another 3-4 stacks of fake cards which I started to buy for fun. |
Used to have 5 Red Eyes black dragon, until they got stolen >..> |
This little baby I won in my first battle for keeps duel, if I remember correctly, it was from a booster pack. |
3 stacks of real yugioh cards, no wonder I couldn't save any money when I was little |
then slowly moved onto computer games, when the internet was thriving with new mmos. I did have a try at runescape but I found the lack of pretty graphics and character customisation were rather unappealing to me (back then it was ugly). Maple story was another game I tried out as it was and still is a super popular game. It was fun when it lasted, however as I was late to catch on the game, everyone else was already near max level with super OP (overly powered) gears, which really put me off so I ended up going on acting like an idiot and logged off.
Oh also my toon got a perma afro hair style which semi added to me leaving the game lol, it. was. ugly. Hilarious but I was waaaaaaaaaaaay too vain for that look lol looking back, I was one vain little teenager.
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Of ALL the pretty hair styles I could have been given... |
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I ended up with this afro "Stella" hairstyle from the freebie stylist giveaway |
Forward a few years and along came Talisman Online, and I was hooked! Why? because back then my laptop was rather weak, graphics and processor wise added my net was limited to like 1gb or less lol therefore I couldn't afford to download games which would exceed the limit (My mom refused to get me internet because she was afraid I would use it to play games, but I knew a way around it LOL thank goodness for portable USB dongle net, yep I was a smart cookie).
TalismanOnline fit nicely to the limitations I had back then, in 2009 their download size was around 200mb (tiny right??) It was also 3D! So it wasn't bad especially for a free to play mmo.TalismanOnlineMMOhutReview
Fast forward another year or two and I left that game in pursuit of another one (for reasons I may disclose later on). This time I stumbled across Forsaken World and Perfect World International respectively. Both from the Perfect World Entertainment company. ForsakenWorld Site
Pros: free to play, games are nice in terms of good decent graphics which are catered to weaker computers and smaller client download
Cons: Heavily cash shopped based if you want to be good (pvp wise) and have end game gearing
But honestly all the free to play are like that, and at least you can choose to either be good or just play for fun.
Unlike pay to play games which whether you play or not you will need to do monthly payments for it. Lock in contracts are too much commitment for me LOL.
Currently its been around 2 years now I've been on this mmo and although at first it really was heavily cash shopped due to other players wanting to be the best etc etc so they themselves heavily cash shopped which inflated prices, nowadays the game itself has made it rather easy for new players to catch up in terms of level and gearing which has brought the enjoyment back to the game.
My current character's class is a warrior, and within a few days (hopefully by tomorrow) I will be able to get a good near top tier gearing for my character :D
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Meet my toon, CzarinaRose |
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Loving all the new fashions! |
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The large yellow gown to the left, is one of the two fashions which can be dyed in game to different colors! |
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My very own online Xena warrior princess haha |
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The caption in the photo was an accident, but I do love the latest patch, as it gave me that fashion *-* |
The games gearing consist of (lowest to highest), grey, white, green, blue (decent), purple and lastly gold.
Gold currently is highly impossible to attain unless you either farm for a year for all the materials and that is IF you are lucky, or you buy it. But at prices such as 15diamond per 1 piece ( need 10), 1diamond roughly amounts to $5 USD, 15diamond per x10 cash value wise it is around $750, it is a lot but you will be surprised people DO pay so much for it, not all at once but bit by bit and everything adds up.
Omg my super budget asian money gene haha, I swear I learn so much about market inflations and how to make the most out of my money through this game lol
The current arena gear is the purple grade which is second highest, and soon I'll be able to get that for my toon which is making me uber excited.
Downside is, to gain arena gear, we must participate in arena matches which are pvp (player versus player) 3v3 or 6v6 style. And of course winner gets the points and losers, lose their points. For me I already obtained the necessary points for purples which meant almost a month of waking up at 4:30am to participate in the matches (stupid international server time) for 1 hour and a bit more, two sessions a day (the other session is around 10am EST).
A ton of dedication went into it haha which is rather silly since it is a game and all, but yeh once I get addicted, I am addicted.
What about you guys? Which games do you guys/girls play? And any recommendations for this addicted gamer (moi :3) ?
Will update more on my toon and about the game later, so much to talk about so little space...
PS I am LOVING Korean Straight brows! (ermahgerd, must blog about it later)
Heres a rando photo of my attempt on Korean Straight Brows just to finish this entry off |
Take care and until next time!!
xoxo M3